Get Best Turkish Grill in Glasgow - Glasgow - Restaurant, retail supplies, Glasgow - 3096705


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Get Best Turkish Grill in Glasgow - Restaurant, retail supplies

Ref. number: 3096705 Updated: 10-06-2023 13:02

Offering: Restaurant, retail supplies in United Kingdom, Glasgow

Are you looking for the best Turkish grill glasgow? In the glasgow area, Turkiye EFES is the best option for grill food. Grill foods are among the most filling cuisines of all time. The combination of spices creates a delectable aroma and flavour! Using only the freshest ingredients, our chefs create dishes that are bursting with authentic grill foods and aromas. So what are you waiting for? Book your table now! Visit: Want to know more? Contact now, or call Call: 0141 553 1577 Email:

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First name: Turkiye
Last name: Glasgow
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